UI Actions

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UI Actions


The UI actions are a way to trigger specific emulators actions from menu items, hotkeys or controller buttons without code duplication and letting VICE deal with issues like threading and avoiding showing multiple dialogs or retriggering actions that haven’t finished yet.

UI actions are managed through an API living in src/arch/shared/uiactions.h. Actions are triggered by specifying action ID in menu items, or by using an action name in hotkey and joy map files (which VICE translates to IDs).

The file src/arch/shared/uiactions.h contains the UI action IDs available, while the file src/arch/shared/uiactions.c contains a table mapping these IDs to action names.

New actions can be created by adding a unqiue ID in the header file and an entry (with a unique name) in the aformentioned table in the source file. An action handler is required to implement the action’s logic, this handler is a callback function that gets passed some information about itself (the entry in the table, an ui_action_map_t*). The action will need to be registered with the UI actions system via ui_actions_register(). (See below)

Basic API usage

The basic functions and types used by the UI actions are relatively simple. A selection of the most used functions and types is listed here.

General functions dealing with the UI actions system itself:

void  ui_actions_init           (void);
void  ui_actions_set_dispatch   (void (*dispatch)(ui_action_map_t *));
void  ui_actions_register       (const ui_action_map_t *mappings);
void  ui_actions_shutdown       (void);

VICE will call ui_actions_init() and ui_actions_shutdown(), and calling ui_actions_set_dispatch() is optional. So the only function required to use is ui_actions_register().

The function ui_actions_set_dispatch() can be used to install a function that “intercepts” an action before it’s triggered by VICE, in which case the dispatch function is responsible for calling ui_action_trigger(map->action). The dispatch function is used in the Gtk3 port to make sure an action that is marked as requiring the UI thread is executed on the UI thread. More on this later.

The ui_action_map_t type is used to register actions and to access information on an action. It maps action IDs to actions handlers and hotkeys.

typedef struct ui_action_map_s {
    int    action;          /**< action ID */

     * Action handler data

    void (*handler)(struct ui_action_map_s*); /**< function handling the action */
    void  *data;            /**< optional user data */

    /* modes */
    bool   blocks;          /**< action blocks (the same action cannot be
                                 triggered again until it finishes) */
    bool   dialog;          /**< action pops up a dialog (only one dialog action
                                 is allowed at a time), this implies using the
                                 UI thread */
    bool   uithread;        /**< must run on the UI thread */

    /* state */
    bool   is_busy;         /**< action is busy */

    /* Hotkey data left out */
} ui_action_map_t;

The “Hotkey data” can be ignored: UI actions and hotkeys are closely related, and VICE uses the same struct to store hotkey data.

In its simplest form an initialization of the map requires providing values for .action and .handler. When providing initializers for UI action maps please use C99 designated initializers: this looks a lot cleaner and allows for adding members to the UI action map type without causing compiler warnings with existing code.

Simple example of an action handler

/* Action handler for toggling warp mode */
static void warp_mode_toggle_action(ui_action_map_t *self)

/* List of actions to register (just one here) */
static const ui_action_map_t some_actions[] = {
    {   .action  = ACTION_WARP_MODE_TOGGLE,
        .handler = warp_mode_toggle_action
    UI_ACTION_MAP_TERMINATOR    /* macro used to terminate a list of actions */

/* Register the action: */

Here we have a single action handler to toggle warp mode, in this case it does not use its self argument, but the argument can be used to access, for example, the action’s.id member or the .data member to be able to write an action handler that can be used for multiple IDs.

We register the action with a call to ui_actions_register(), after which VICE will call warp_mode_toggle_action() when a menu item, hotkey or controller button is used that is mapped to ACTION_WARP_MODE_TOGGLE.

Functions dealing with individual actions:

void        ui_action_trigger         (int action);
void        ui_action_finish          (int action);
int         ui_action_get_id          (const char *name);
const char *ui_action_get_name        (int action);
const char *ui_action_get_desc        (int action);
char *      ui_action_get_hotkey_label(int action);